Monday, July 25, 2016

The Churches

Out of the last couple of days, I had the best time at the new church and climbing that tower. It is so amazing how that building was constructed hundreds of years ago and how beautiful it still is today. To me, it is amazing that we all stood exactly where Simon Stevin stood and performed his studies on gravity and falling objects. That church holds so much knowledge and it is incredible. The floor of the other church is also really neat with all of the tombstone type tiles--and to just think about what great scholars lay right beneath our feet is so amazing and also a little creepy. I also think the contrast between Leeuwenhoek's and Vermeer's burial markers is interesting, as well. Some of those markers/tombstones are so ornate and some really aren't. All in all, that church is a magnificent piece of arcitecture. 


  1. Hey Laura, I too enjoyed the view from the new church. It was quite a climb, but it was totally worth it. I thought it was interesting to actually be able to see the town where Leeuwenhoek and Vermeer lived. Although some of the sites had changed or weren't even there anymore it was still cool to experience the town of delft.

  2. Laura-- I agree that both churches were magnificent pieces of architecture. It is incredible to believe how people managed to construct those without any of today's tool convieneces. I'm suprised what good condition everything was in. I also was very intrigued by the tombstones. It was a fascinating detail that is nothing I have ever seen before.

  3. I agree, the church was definitely magnificent. The stain glass windows told many stories from the Bible and the inscriptions and tombstones on the floor were very unique. I would have thought that pyres were what people did for funerals. Its nice to see where the phrase "stinkin rich" comes into our speech. I don't know how anyone could stand being in church service while it smelled so bad. :)

  4. Hey Laura,
    I agree about how crazy incredible the new church was when we climbed it. It was just amazing to see the whole city from that view. It's also crazy that they were able to build such a fantastic building with the technology that they had, it's truly breath taking.

  5. Hey Laura,
    I agree about how crazy incredible the new church was when we climbed it. It was just amazing to see the whole city from that view. It's also crazy that they were able to build such a fantastic building with the technology that they had, it's truly breath taking.

  6. I agree that the churches were absolutely wonderful. The stained glass there was fantastic and beautiful. I did climb the tower at the new church and, although it was really cool, I was also terrified. This was partly due to the height and partly due to how old the steps were(the wooden ones scared me the most). I am amazed that some of the buildigs we have seen are so old and yet so structurally sound. It is truly amazing.
