Sunday, July 31, 2016

Deutsches Museum-The Pharmacy Exhibit

Hello Friends!
I really enjoyed the Pharmacy Exhibit.  It starts off with showing various types of plants and their medical properties.  For example, it explained the properties and need to know info about the Cardamom plant.  It explained what type of plant it was, its origins, cultivation, what part can be used, major components its used for, size of dosage, the effects of the plant, and a random cool fact about the plant.  This one in particular besides being used for improving digestion is used in seasoning soups, sauces, meat dishes, coffee, etc.  Another part that was pretty cool in this exhibit was that it showed the inside of a living cell.  You walked into this blob (the cell) and it showed the various parts of a cell (mitochondria, nucleus, etc.) on the walls of the exhibit/cell.  This exhibit definitely topped the others I saw in the museum.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Lisa, I wasn't able to find the pharmacy exhibit in the huge museum, but after reading your post I really wish had seen it. That's really cool that they had a life size cell in which you could see all the structures of a plant cell, this probably makes it a little easier to understand the science behind these plants.
