Monday, July 25, 2016

Blog #2

The porcelain factory was very interesting to see how the paintings were made with all the different shades of blue. In the large recreation of the Night Watch the shades of blue were very noticeable. It is amazing how much detail the master painters put into every block. The commemorative dishes for the royal family were beautiful and I liked how they added orange color into their special dishes. The process of making the dishes looks like a tedious process. The detail in every step is essential to a perfect would become nerve racking. The thought of any mistake you make on the painting of a dish must be perfect would not be a great job for me. 


  1. The detail of Royal Delft Blue pieces are unbelievable! It was hard to relate the factories craft as technology and science but during the tour I understand now that to get their product to become perfect, there must have been a lot of trial and error. This could be seen as experimentation and their new techniques as technology. On a final note, I too would be awful at being a master painter. I would shake too much!

  2. I thought it was strange going into the facpry, and not seeing a mass production like I have in all of the factories that I've seen in the past. They really take their time and make sure it's done right, which has helped them make themselves who they are today.

  3. I thought it was strange going into the facpry, and not seeing a mass production like I have in all of the factories that I've seen in the past. They really take their time and make sure it's done right, which has helped them make themselves who they are today.
