Saturday, July 23, 2016

Museum Boerhaave

Hey everyone! We've been to many cool and exciting new places, but out of all of them I would say that the Museum Boerhaave was my personal favorite. First off, the tour guides could not have been any better. Both were not only well knowledged in their own respective field, but also had a vast knowledge of the entire collection that was been housed. They helped to bring the life and interest to what ine might think to be just an ordinary rod of glass. One example was the meter stick. They talked about how hard it was to make the true meter stick, because of the air and humidity the meter sticks would become distorted and could no longer be counted on for accurate measuring. Another time that they brought the history to life was when they were talking about the building and how two professors could not get along because of each others.  It showed how that behind all the technological innovation and complicated discoveries, there are people with emotion and lives behind them. Not humanoid robots without feeling or emotion. The guides showed not only the machine, but also the struggle behind what it was trying to prove and the adversity that the people faced. This is why the Museum Boerhaave was my favorite part so far on the trip.

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