Monday, July 25, 2016

Blog #2

When we went to Delft, Adam gave us a tour of the city. He showed us where leeuwenhoek and vermeer worked and lived within the city. It was really interesting to see where these people worked and live for their lives. It made much more connections to the book and made the descriptions from the book make much more sense. I especially liked the main square. The architecture of the town hall and new church were absolutely incredible. Being able to see over the whole city on top of the new church has been one of my highlights of the trip so far.


  1. I also really liked walking around the Market Square in Delft. It was very easy to imagine all of Vermeer and Leeuwenhoek's daily activities taking place within this busy central hub. It also made it very easy to see how they could have run into each other on any given day!

  2. I also found the view from the top of the new church to be a spectacular view and one of my favorite things. I could not believe how close all of the locations of the men within the city were and they were much easier to visualize in person.

  3. I was really interested in the walking tour too. I was interested because we were seeing the places that were talked about in the book because it reminds me that we are in the place where history we only read about actually happened. It makes the whole idea of reading about history more real.

  4. I was really interested in the walking tour too. I was interested because we were seeing the places that were talked about in the book because it reminds me that we are in the place where history we only read about actually happened. It makes the whole idea of reading about history more real.

  5. I also enjoyed the walking tour of Delft, it gave me more perspective on how Leeuwenhoek and Vermeer lived back in those times. Enough though, some of the sites were no longer the original buildings it was still cool to see how the town was structured and how close they actually lived to each other. Also the dangerous but worth it climb to the top of the new church in delft was very cool.
