Thursday, July 28, 2016

Post #3: Textile Museum (TIM)

Hello again fellow travelers and students!
Recently we visited the Textile Museum in Augsburg, Germany, which turns out has been one of my favorites so far. Honestly I didn't think this site would be very interesting at first, but once we started moving along in the tour I found it quite interesting as well as interactive. We could see for ourselves how hard it was for workers in the day to make the threads, by hand, in which they had to twist cotton as the strand was pulled from the 'bundle' or 'clump'. Eventually tools were created to make the process quicker. Once the cotton was in strand form  it could used for weaving. The weaving machines, or looms, used analog computers (punching cards) to create the patterns printed into the fabrics. And one worker was supposed to be in control of 36 machines, which is completely mind boggling. I couldn't imagine controlling so many machines all at once. And then, in another section of the museum we could follow women's fashion trends, which was quite fascinating as well. The styles/outfits would go from low-key, feminine and proper to flashy and some even man-like. Women gradually became more outspoken in their fashion, just like they became more outspoken in basically every sense. All in all, I'm glad we visited this museum.
Until next time!

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