Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Computer Science at the Deutsches Museum

The Deutsches Museum was one of my favorite locations of the entire trip, and my favorite part of the museum was the computer science exhibition. Last semester I took one of my favorite college courses (have I said 'favorite' enough?) called Logic and Digital Design, EE3770, which was essentially embodied throughout the entire museum exhibit of binary circuits and logic. It contained a lot of neat examples of basic logic functions using mechanical circuits. It was really cool to see demonstration circuits of functions that I had designed and wired in class! I have never before felt like I understood and related to a museum exhibition so thoroughly. The fact that we got to visit one of the biggest science museums in the world was such an incredible experience, and I felt so lucky to have been able to experience it if only for two days!

Here are some pictures of circuits that I have wired in class before!



  1. I also thoroughly enjoyed the computer science exhibit. It was fun playing with the circuits and understanding of how they work. I also enjoyed the cabinet full of old game consoles. Luckily there were none of my childhood consoles in there, but it's getting close.

  2. I also enjoyed this area. It was very interactive and i formative. It allowed for a person with very little knowledge to understand the basics of computers and how they function.
