Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Blog Post #4: Deutsches Museum

My first impression of the Deutsches Museum was that it housed a vast array of scientific technology. It included items of which their history I would have never even considered, such as weather tracking and mining. During my free time, I really enjoyed the renewable energy exhibit. With Germany as such a successful county with renewable energy, it was a perfect place to learn about their advancements. We kept seeing these blind-like windows on our trip, including at the BMW Welt. In the renewable energy exhibit, there was a poster on these. It explained how insanely smart these windows are. The slats between the window panes direct the light into the room and use the light to create electricity. When the windows are shut, the panes can absorb the light and convert it to be used to heat the space. How awesome is that??? I really enjoyed seeing the size comparison of the wind turbine blades too. I know that they are massive, but seeing a blade in front of me really put the size in perspective. I think renewable energy is a very important part of engineering. Saving our planet and becoming independent of fossil fuels is crucial for preserving the state of our planet.

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