Monday, August 1, 2016

blog #4

I wandered around several areas of the museum and was just amazed with its size. I can understand how it is the largest science museum in the world. However, my favorite part would be the mathematics corner. There were several hands on activities that we could play with. My favorite one that sparked my interest was a Möbius strip. It appears to look like a ring with a twist in it. However, the strip appears to be two sided but it only one. It blew my mind that I could run my fingers around the strip and make it back to the beginning without lifting my finger.


  1. Megan-- I was also fascinated by the Mobius strip. It's so intriguing and simple. I thought the entire mathematics area was interesting. I never really thought about the evolution of mathematics and mathematical instruments. We learn about Newton and Leibniz forming the theory of calculus, but we never learn about the advancements in mathematical technology.

  2. The museum was massive! I couldn't believe how many floors there were for how big each floor was! I didn't get to all of the areas, however I did see the Mobius strip. And that was wild, it was so confusingly simple to watch it!

  3. The museum was massive! I couldn't believe how many floors there were for how big each floor was! I didn't get to all of the areas, however I did see the Mobius strip. And that was wild, it was so confusingly simple to watch it!
